Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Finishing Paper and Laughing

Today was one of those great days where you don’t know that it is great until you are laying in bed at the end of it thinking – that was great.  Nothing actually happened of substance and there are no pictures to show for it.  However, it began like normal – wake up, do laundry, work on my paper more, go to City States, hate that class, work on paper more, get food, last Modern Greek class, home.  However, I did get some packages from home that MADE my day – thanks!  And I got some emails from the loves of my life that I have to respond to promptly.  I guess it was just that I finished my paper in a timely fashion so I had the night to just hang out and enjoy life and laugh a lot.  The time here is slowly passing and as sad as I am to have to leave here next month – it will be nice to get back to reality.  But for the meantime I’ll just enjoy this fantasy world where I get to sit in the sun this weekend on the beach in Mykonos… don’t be jealous.  Tomorrow is another Potluck – Toga themed so it should be interesting.  It is also time to hand in these stupid papers and our Modern Greek oral final.  My group is really good for that so I am not too concerned but I must brush up on some of the details so I don’t look like a fool.

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