Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Wishing I Were Home

Although the night did not consist of many festivities it still led to sleeping in until noon.  It is nice to listen to your body when it tells you what it needs and obviously I have been slacking in the sleep department.  So I slept until noon and then forced myself to get up.  It was nice because I got to Skype the entire family.  I really wish that I could have been home today.  Then Aileen and myself (the only ones left in our apartment) took it downtown and went shopping.  I am on the search for a nicely fitted rain jacket and she was on the search for new jeans.  When we did not have success we took it to the Irish Pub and had burgers and Guinness.  I got home and cleaned a ton for Tone coming TOMORROW and then went to bed like I was a 6 year old on Christmas Eve.  I. Can’t. Wait.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Stocking the Fridge

So I awoke this morning to the official beginnings of Spring Break.  I said my goodbyes to all that were jet setting for the break.  I began my day very slowly with a trip to the market to get food for Tone and myself.  It was basically a day of relaxation with some homework scattering throughout.  There are still people left that aren’t going places until the Wednesday of Spring Break so it is nice to not be alone.  Plus it gives a smaller group the chance to get to know each other a way we wouldn’t in the larger group.  I am missing those who have gone but knowing that Tone will be here in less than 48 hours makes me want to freak out.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Best Hot Chocolate Ever

So today it was a bit easier to wake up knowing that it was the last day of classes for a long time.  We got to school – some people a bittttt under the weather from the previous night – and they tell us that our first class was canceled.  It was a beautiful start to the day.  Our next class wasn’t until 1:30p at the National Museum so the girls and myself took it upon us to hit up Sokolata – apparently the best hot chocolate ever.  So we went there.  They were so right, it was amazing.  Literally just like a melted chocolate bar in a cup.  I plan on taking Tone as soon as I can.  So we took our time there and then shopped a bit and made it to class right on time.  The museum was nice like always.  Here are some pictures:

Then it was home for a nice nap before Byzantine.  We have our midterm the Tuesday we get back – not looking forward to that and must devote some time to study.  After Byzantine it was time for yet another nap and then dinner and then spending time with everybody before they leave for Spring Break.  However, it is another day closer to when Tone gets here… so I’ll take it!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lots Of Quizzes

Today began as a rainy day in Athens again.  I spent my morning waking up, showering, eating breakfast, and reading for City States.  We had 2 quizzes today in our 2 classes so it was not going to be a great day.  City States was about zero amount of fun.  I am very over that class.  I spent the time between classes studying for the second quiz of the day which I think went really well.  I love Modern Greek class – it is always a lot of fun.  Today we learned the slang word for vagina (mun-o), haha.  After classes I cooked dinner and napped.  Then the group decided that after the day we had a small party was necessary.  Everyone is getting ready to leave for Spring Break so it was nice to relax and drink a little with everyone.  Tomorrow is more field trips and the last day of classes before Spring Break finally – I cannot wait.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Acropolis At Last

So it was a bittersweet day.  After hearing the news I wasn’t feeling up to class at all.  However, it was finally time to go to the Acropolis so I just woke up, ate some chocolate, and ventured with the class to the Acropolis for class.  

We made our way there – it was a short walk – and climbed up to it finally.  It wasn’t as difficult to get up to than I thought.  It was amazing.  So much more than you could imagine.  

We actually had access for the class to go inside the Parthenon.  This was very special and not normal.  So these photos are once in a lifetime.

We only covered the Parthenon when we went today and will cover other buildings from the building project other times that we go.  The view is just amazing from the top.

After that class we had a break before our next class in the Acropolis Museum (how convenient). 

During that class we covered some statues for our next paper.  Unfortunately you can’t take photos in that museum because it is beautiful.  The rest of the day was spent doing the normal.  We had Byzantine where we found out we have an exam after Spring Break… not happy.  Then it was another joint dinner with Corinne and some relaxing in the evening.  The Spartans had a stupid meeting for that acting class but afterwards I got whisked away for a late night walk in the old Olympic Stadium – it was wonderful.  

Life Sneaks Up On You

While I am here my real life tends to disappear.  I am living in this other world where the sun shines brighter everyday, accordion players sing in the streets, and eating strawberries in January is normal.  Once in a while I am brought back to reality.  Tuesday morning (here) I received news of my grandmother passing.  I feel awful to not be able to be there for my family in this time but sometimes that is life.  You can only hope that your thoughts and love can spread over the sea.

To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.
Thomas Campbell

Monday, February 28, 2011

Class Confrontation and Home Cooked Dinner

Today began like every other Monday – get up, get ready, grocery shop, go to class.  However, class was not like normal.  This stupid role-playing game is cramping my style.  I want to enjoy it – I really do, but it is turning us against each other.  Anyway, the result of class today was that everyone turned against my team so now I trust no one in regards to this game.  If you know me, you know that I hate nothing more than someone talking behind my back and I know it is a game – but it is still happening.  Once that silly class was over it was a nice walk to Vernava to enjoy my packed lunch.  Modern Greek was fun like always and the night was yet another relaxing night that consisted of a nice home cooked dinner by Corinne and I. 

We started doing team dinners and it is going very well.  Tonight was eggplant Parmesan and zucchini and Greek salad.  Pole Kala!  Tomorrow is the Acropolis at last!!!! FINALLY!  And word is that if they aren’t doing any work on it we can actually go inside.  Fingers crossed!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Burgers - Finally

So apparently the day after a big trip is much like the day before a big trip- a lot of sleep and nothing.  I spent the entire day in a vegetative state awaken once in a while to do homework.  However, when the evening came so did an amazing dinner.  We finally made it a point to get to the James’ Joyce BEFORE the kitchen closed (this was a 3rd attempt) and got to enjoy the most delicious burgers ever.

I was so pleased and content.  I fell into an immediate food coma afterwards, which was much like the entire day.  I was rested, full and happy.  Tomorrow is back to the reality of school even though it feels like we’ve been at school for 5 days straight for about 8 hours a day.  But everything I get to see is making it so worth it.  It is just difficult with this senioritis I have.