Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Friday, April 29, 2011

My Last Post In Greece

Today is graduation ceremony and then there will be a cab coming at 5:30a for my trip home.  As I sit at the Athens Centre, it is nice to think about everything I have gotten to do in the past 4 months.  There are things that I will miss and, of course, things I will not miss from Greece.  Here is a compiled list:

I will miss the people playing music in the streets that sometimes serenade my shower – I will not miss having to heat up the shower for no less than 30 minutes and then hoping there will be enough hot water.

I will miss being able to walk everywhere I have to go – I will not miss the massive hills that you have to walk on here.

I will miss the fresh fruit and vegetables as well as nice, fresh feta cheese – I will not miss trying to order food at the deli stand in the grocery store.

I will miss the Greek sun that is just a little more special than anywhere else – I will not miss the Greek rain, which sucks.

I will miss spending the weekends on Greek islands – I will not miss the 5,9,10 hour ferry rides to get there.

I will miss living in an apartment – I will not miss living with 5 other girls.

I will miss all the funny Greek signs – I will not miss the rubbish bins.

I will miss the simple lifestyle of Greeks – I will not miss never having the internet.

I will miss the relaxed lifestyle of Greeks – I will not miss stores being open only when they feel like it.

I will miss the free dessert at dinner sometimes – I will not miss the free ouzo.

These are just some of the many things that I will miss from Greece.  It was a wonderful experience, and I am sad that it is all over.  But life waits for me in America and I am ready to embrace it.  I hope, with a different appreciation now. 

See you in America!


Greek Signs

As promised, another collection of pictures from the duration of the trip - funny Greek signs.  Enjoy.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Greek Sinks

This collection of photos as well as two other collections are ones that I have been saving for the end of this experience.  The "Greek Sinks" collection began in a bar in Gazi but continued the entire trip.  You would be surprised how many cool sinks that Greece has... enjoy!