Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

It’s all over.

So it is all over.  I took my last college final today.  It was not as bad as I thought, and I may have actually done pretty good on it, haha.  After the final, we had our Festival performances.  That was a lot of fun.  Everyone was really funny and it was a good way to end the class.  Plus Mary Lou enjoyed it, which is always a plus.  After classes, it was packing time.  I went home, to the grocery store, and then back home to pack.  I got mostly everything finished packing up and enjoyed the night with the group.  We hung out at the apartments and then ended up at James Joyce and then making our way back.  It was a good night out and I got to look at the Acropolis at night for the last time.  Tomorrow is shopping, cleaning, graduation ceremony, and dinner.  Then it is all over for real.  Oh man, what a past 4 months.

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