Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Last Acropolis Trip

Today was the day of our last in class field trips and the last day of class in my undergraduate college career.  Big day.  We began with an adventure to the Temple of Zeus.  We pass this temple all of the time on our way to downtown or Plaka.  It was funny that they waited so long to take us but it was very cool and worth the wait.  We learned about the temple and had some presentations from fellow classmates.  Here are some photos!

Then we were off to see if we could book a volcano trip for Santorini but unfortunately had to wait until we got there to do anything.  Then it was our final Archeology class and our final trip to the Acropolis.  I really enjoyed the lecture about the Erecthion and was very sad to be up there for the last time.  The story of the Acropolis is truly amazing and I enjoyed every minute up there.

After the field trips we made our way back to the Centre for Byzantine, which was fun like always.  He brought his puppy, Voukie, to class, which was just the icing on the cake for my last class of college.  After class I spent the evening finishing a paper for Festivals that I have to hand in tomorrow.  It turned out pretty good.  It was on curse tablets so I got to explore the world of magic in Ancient Greece.  Tomorrow is our last day trip to Sounion.  I have heard very good things about the place and am looking forward to it.  Plus for City States it is the day of war so a tug-of-war on the beach is in session, which is always exciting.

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