Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Downtown Athens

The day began early – I got up showered, enjoyed my breakfast on the balcony (I don’t think that is going to get old at all), and walked to the Centre to meet for our downtown tour of Athens.  But first there was a wonderful view to look at again – only this time with some of Athens’ wonderful smog.  This is the best that the air is in the year so we’ll see what happens in the future.  The tour was amazing.  It was such a tease though because I wanted to stay in all of the areas all day.  We got some time in the Athens square to get lunch where I got my first gyro – so good – and we walked through the flea market.  Here are some photos:

After he tour the Munns’ decided that hiking up a mountain would be exciting.  In workout clothes. I may have agreed, but in the jeans and Toms – it was adventure.  But so worth it.  Let the pictures talk:

After the hike we about died.  But made some time to get to the café and catch up with home and such.  I also did my first load of laundry in Greece – just washer, no dryer.  It went well haha… all of my clothes dried by the morning so looks like it will work just fine.  The rest of the night was spent relaxing and preparing for class!!!

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