Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Gold and Potluck

I had such a good day.  It began like many others here – get up, get ready and go.  We had our first field trip with Archeology.  We were told to meet at the National Archeological Museum downtown.  So we set out after our first class and met up with everyone there.  

Not to be a nerd – but it was really cool.  It was just so awesome to see all of the things in text books in real life.  Here are some pictures!

We then came home for lunch – which was a good time in itself (dancing, cooking, singing).  The sea had turned gold in honor of all of the gold we had seen earlier.

We watched a documentary in our last class and got out an hour early – now this is what I felt like study abroad was supposed to be like.  Then it was our first potluck dinner!  There are 20ish people on the program and everyone had been instructed on what to bring and our apartment was hosting.  So we spent some time cleaning up the apartment and cooking our contribution to the potluck (chicken and potatoes).  We had the room ready to go for everything.

Everyone brought so much amazing food.

It was such a good time and the food was sooooo good.  We ate and talked and such for a while then had to be done because we have our day trip tomorrow to Marathon!!!  Good night!

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