Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Lazy Monday

It definitely felt like a Monday.  I woke up – ran, showered, cleaned, ate breakfast (another amazing omelet), and got ready for class.  Since we can only use the internet at the school, I went a bit early before class so that I could check on some things.  We are in the process of deciding where to go for our first long weekend.  There is talk of Italy – but it seems like a lot of money to go somewhere I have been.  During the trip I’d really like to get to Prague or Vienna.  Who knows!  That is part of the fun.  We are going to decide soon though and I will make the grand reveal of where I will be spending our first long weekend.  We had class 1:45-3 (really ended at 3:20 – it is getting quite annoying) and then 4:30-6:00.  I had planned to get dinner between but it was raining pretty hard so I just stayed at the school and used the computer.  After classes, I came back and made yet another amazing dinner and just relaxed for the rest of the evening.  It was a very lazy Monday with not too much going on and no pictures taken… sorry.  We have class all day tomorrow at the Centre but there is some speaker tomorrow night so maybe it will be exciting – I will update!

1 comment:

  1. Prague!!! Ah. My vote goes there. Because I want to see pictures... again me with my selfish decisions.
