Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Day After

Everyone was so tired today.  After such an amazing weekend and then going out for the Superbowl there was just nothing left in us.  I woke up, did laundry, went grocery shopping and got ready for a day of classes.  When I got to class we found out that because our teacher had an allergic reaction to the caterpillars at Franchthi Cave she had to go to the hospital to get treated (the pharmacies are on strike this week), class was postponed.  It then got postponed again but eventually we had class.  I made use of the time off to sit on the roof and enjoy the amazing weather.  After class I had hoped to get my paper done for Archeology but I didn’t.  I will have to finish it tomorrow.  I spent the rest of the evening having dinner and relaxing.  Tomorrow are 2 field trips for class and the weather is supposed to be wonderful.  Then hopefully after some homework, tomorrow night will be tons of fun.  We leave for Rome on Friday so we have to finish everything before we go!

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