Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A, Basically, Personal Day

Today was a fun, personal day with having only one class.  I woke up and went for a workout.  I haven’t been working out as much as I would like but I am doing my best.  I will pick up my game when I am back in the states for sure though.  But after that, I got ready to go to class.  We only had Sanctuaries and she moved it from 11 to 12 so that was nice.  After class a bunch of people went to Taco Bell, but I wasn’t feeling the best so I hung back and cleaned a bit.  It was nice.  The rest of the day was spent relaxing and enjoying the slowness of the day.  I watched What Happens In Vegas before going to bed which always makes me happy.  “This is my lesbian sister – tell her about your softball game.”  But it made me miss the girls…sad.  Tomorrow is a day trip to Corinth which should be fun because that means no class!!!  Then house and puppy sitting on Thursday for our one professor.  Fun times ahead!

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