Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Metro Mall

My day began with yet another day of sleeping in – which was much needed.  Then it was mall time!  I wanted to check out the Taco Bell that everyone raved about the other day, and I wanted to pick up a few things before leaving for Crete on Monday.  It was only a short walk and a metro ride away and very worth it.  I actually ate some Taco Bell – it made me feel closer to America, haha.  Then it was a bit of shopping.  I picked up some shorts and a spring scarf from H&M.   After some shopping, I headed back for some relaxation, food, and a night of fun.  We headed back to Sprit for some dancing.  Again, a great night.  Tomorrow is going to be beautiful weather and filled with schoolwork.  We leave for Crete Monday night so I am looking forward to that like whoa.  Can’t wait!!!

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