Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Acropolis Day

Today was Acropolis Day since we were there for Festivals and Archeology!  I woke up ran, ate breakfast, went to the Centre for some internetting then off to the Acropolis!  We did Tripod Street and the Theater with Mary Lou.

Then we did the Parthenon/Acropolis in general with Steve.  It was such a clear day because it had rained in the morning so the pictures from the Acropolis were amazing.

On the way back I stopped at the store and discovered something amazing – tomato soup.  It is impossible to find soup in this country but this little grocery store was the key.  So I picked up supplies for grilled cheese and tomato soup for after Byzantine.  It was amazing although I miss American cheese everyday I am here.  After dinner I watched “It’s Kind of a Funny Story” which turned out to be a very good coming-of-age movie.  Then I passed out :-)

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