Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Fun Filled Day!

Today was an extremely productive day.  After being back to 100% I started the day with a nice run, got ready and went shopping.  I picked up a cute pair of earrings before meeting our Byzantine teacher for the Islamic museum.  It was really cool.  Here are some photos:

Then I shopped like crazy.  I bought ALL of the souvenirs that I planned on getting for people and got some things for myself finally.  It was great.  After shopping I ate lunch, took a nap, and watched a movie before our night’s adventure.  Our Byzantine teacher wanted to take us to a Scottish pub so he agreed to come to the apartments to pregame.  There are no ping pong balls in this country so we improvised with a bottle cap and duct tape.  It was a lot of fun and then we went out!  The bar was great and I tried some Scottish beer.  It was a good night.

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