Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Coffee, Coffee, Coffee

We all began our day with a trip to the police (I would say po-po but that means omg here).  It was a lot of standing and waiting to be called.  Then it was a lot of stamping.  I do believe that it is all over though!!!  I hope so at least.  I promise I will not be at the police office again – don’t worry Dad.  After that we took a long walk home and did some much needed grocery shopping.  I’m still the process of getting staple groceries so I’m spending a lot of money on groceries – but I think I have the basics now (olive oil, vinegar, seasonings, etc) so it should be cheaper from now on.  I relaxed a bit before making an amazing lunch of amazing-ness (fresh bakery bread with olive oil, vinegar, onions, tomatoes, roasted red peppers, and seasonings).  Then it was off to our City States class.  It was awful.  It is already an hour and fifteen minutes (which is far too long) and they went over 20 minutes.  This is common for the lifestyle here – show up late and stay as long as you like.  It is nice for parties or dinner – but for classes that don’t really matter, not as cool.  Then we had Modern Greek, which is always a fun class.  We learned all about Greek coffee.  It is not simple.  There are like 7 different types of coffee (the most popular being instant – Mom belongs here I suppose) and then when you order you have to specify the temperature, sugar amount, and milk.  So if you go somewhere and say “café”, they will just be waiting for you to finish.  I have only had the instant coffee at the Athens Centre so far – and hot chocolate – but so far so good.  I’ll have to try all the different types while I am here.  We all headed home after class to cook up dinner.  It was also amazing.  I made chicken with sautéed onions, garlic, and peppers.  This cooking thing is getting easier and more fun.  We have a decent amount of cooking tools here so it is not as hard as I had expected it to be.  But you have to be careful about the electricity because only so many things can be on at once and the oven and the water heaters are big energy suckers.  After dinner we decided that it was going to be a night of relaxation and chatting.  We talked, sang a little, socialized with the other apartments and ended our night with a movie – She’s Out of My League.  Tomorrow is our first class trip to the Agora – very excited.  I have to get up early for that (and a quick run) so kalinichta!

1 comment:

  1. When this is all over your going to be able to cook better then me.... Not sure how I feel about that? haha
