Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ordinary Day in Athens

I woke up to what sounded like a tornado outside the windows.  It scared the roommate and I enough to skip our morning run.  I later asked the Athens Centre if this was normal.  They said that it was normal to happen for a couple days at a time.  So it looks like it may be the same wake up tomorrow.  After getting up and getting ready, I left early to go to the stationary store finally and get some notebooks.  We had our Greek City States class today as well as our Modern Greek.  Between classes we came back to have some lunch.  I can’t get over the food here.  It is just so amazingly fresh.  During Modern Greek we had a 15-minute break – enough time to grab a pretty picture of the sunset over the Acropolis.

After class I got a chance to catch up with Tone – so much fun.  Then I ate dinner, went to the café to read some of my The Upside of Irrationality (Kimmy – I love it so much, thank you) with a roommate.  We came back to have a fun filled girls night that included climbing balconies and receiving/passing letters to the boys apartments… like we were 10.  Tomorrow is a loooong day of class – 3 of them – but checking out a Greek Irish Band at a Irish Pub.  Seems like it will be an eclectic evening.

1 comment:

  1. If I recall correctly.... we played a similar game at a hotel in Italy some years ago... passing letters to boys! I miss you so much! Talking to you yesterday was a tease.. haha I need some more chatting!
