Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Best Hot Chocolate Ever

So today it was a bit easier to wake up knowing that it was the last day of classes for a long time.  We got to school – some people a bittttt under the weather from the previous night – and they tell us that our first class was canceled.  It was a beautiful start to the day.  Our next class wasn’t until 1:30p at the National Museum so the girls and myself took it upon us to hit up Sokolata – apparently the best hot chocolate ever.  So we went there.  They were so right, it was amazing.  Literally just like a melted chocolate bar in a cup.  I plan on taking Tone as soon as I can.  So we took our time there and then shopped a bit and made it to class right on time.  The museum was nice like always.  Here are some pictures:

Then it was home for a nice nap before Byzantine.  We have our midterm the Tuesday we get back – not looking forward to that and must devote some time to study.  After Byzantine it was time for yet another nap and then dinner and then spending time with everybody before they leave for Spring Break.  However, it is another day closer to when Tone gets here… so I’ll take it!

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