Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lots Of Quizzes

Today began as a rainy day in Athens again.  I spent my morning waking up, showering, eating breakfast, and reading for City States.  We had 2 quizzes today in our 2 classes so it was not going to be a great day.  City States was about zero amount of fun.  I am very over that class.  I spent the time between classes studying for the second quiz of the day which I think went really well.  I love Modern Greek class – it is always a lot of fun.  Today we learned the slang word for vagina (mun-o), haha.  After classes I cooked dinner and napped.  Then the group decided that after the day we had a small party was necessary.  Everyone is getting ready to leave for Spring Break so it was nice to relax and drink a little with everyone.  Tomorrow is more field trips and the last day of classes before Spring Break finally – I cannot wait.

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