Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Class Confrontation and Home Cooked Dinner

Today began like every other Monday – get up, get ready, grocery shop, go to class.  However, class was not like normal.  This stupid role-playing game is cramping my style.  I want to enjoy it – I really do, but it is turning us against each other.  Anyway, the result of class today was that everyone turned against my team so now I trust no one in regards to this game.  If you know me, you know that I hate nothing more than someone talking behind my back and I know it is a game – but it is still happening.  Once that silly class was over it was a nice walk to Vernava to enjoy my packed lunch.  Modern Greek was fun like always and the night was yet another relaxing night that consisted of a nice home cooked dinner by Corinne and I. 

We started doing team dinners and it is going very well.  Tonight was eggplant Parmesan and zucchini and Greek salad.  Pole Kala!  Tomorrow is the Acropolis at last!!!! FINALLY!  And word is that if they aren’t doing any work on it we can actually go inside.  Fingers crossed!

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