Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Wishing I Were Home

Although the night did not consist of many festivities it still led to sleeping in until noon.  It is nice to listen to your body when it tells you what it needs and obviously I have been slacking in the sleep department.  So I slept until noon and then forced myself to get up.  It was nice because I got to Skype the entire family.  I really wish that I could have been home today.  Then Aileen and myself (the only ones left in our apartment) took it downtown and went shopping.  I am on the search for a nicely fitted rain jacket and she was on the search for new jeans.  When we did not have success we took it to the Irish Pub and had burgers and Guinness.  I got home and cleaned a ton for Tone coming TOMORROW and then went to bed like I was a 6 year old on Christmas Eve.  I. Can’t. Wait.

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