Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 8 Tone Here: Everyone Back and Spring Break Over

After getting a solid night’s sleep, Tone and I slept in and awoke to a morning workout on the track.  I ran about while Tone did some yoga – it was quite epic.  Everyone was getting back from their Spring Break trips today so Tone and I went to the Centre to catch some rays while we waited for some to return to go downtown with.  

Once people arrived we were off!  We walked about the Plaka area and then found a wonderful park where we ambushed a playground and witnessed the mating rituals of peacocks.  

Since it was Tones last day here – it was a perfect day to spend walking around in the sun.  After we went back to the restaurant from the beginning of the trip and enjoyed a nice dinner together.  Tone had an early wake – about 3:30a to get to the bus to make her flight so we were suppppposed to go to bed early.  However, with everyone back we spent the night talking and hanging out in the apartment downstairs.  We did get some sleep though… a little.

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