Follow an adventure abroad in Athens, Greece.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tone Leaves/ Good Byes Suck

So it was an early, early morning waking up at 3:30a to take Tone to the bus.  I hated every second of it.  But we had such an amazing time so I can only be grateful that she had the opportunity to visit.  After dropping her off, I went back to sleep for a little before beginning my day.  It was the first day back to classes after Spring Break so everyone was in a great mood.  I had to first go and pick up my blow dryer from a store that I ordered it from when Tone was here.  It was perfect for the rest of the trip and well worth the 12 euro.  I got to school and had mail!  A postcard from Brother, that was very exciting.  It is great getting mail.  The day was great but it was just overall a sad day because Tone had left and part of me went with her.  The evening was spent cramming for our Byzantine Midterm tomorrow. 

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