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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Missing St. Patty’s Because School Sucks

Today was a bleh day.  Everyone awoke a little sluggish due to the night before.  I was kicked out of my apartment for the week because one of my roommates had visitors from the states so I have been spending my nights at the neighbors.  I awoke and went back home to shower.  Class was bleh.  We had a trip to the Agora – again – so that was not the most exciting.  However!  I did book my Easter trip back to Santorini – I just can’t imagine being here for 4 months and not spending as much time as I possibly can there.  One the way back I got to see my first demonstration/strike in the main square – don’t worry, I avoided it.  We had time to stop back to the apartment for food and then head to Byzantine.  I would say it was boring BUT John proposed an AMAZING offer to us.  He wanted our group to take turns house and puppy sitting.  We have to sleep in his house and play with his puppy and he has internet, a tv, washer/drying, and is paying us to do it.  I quickly signed up for one of those days/nights.  I am very much so looking forward to that.  After class everyone was ready to hit the town for St. Patty’s but because I am stupid and scheduled all of my speeches for the same week I had to be a good student (for one of the last times ever) and stay in to do my handouts and speech.  It was quite enjoyable though, I watched all of my favorite scenes from the Twilight Saga.  Aileen stayed with me and I finished up everything.  Tomorrow is our first Friday with classes and then it is off to Delphi!!!  I still have yet another Speech to do.. so much work is in my future.

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